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New England

A Poem by:

Sheema Kalbasi

Colourful Bar


Copyright shall at all times remain vested in the Author. No part of the work shall be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the Author's express written consent.

Children are playing next to the ocean coast

and sand castles are built with their digging

hands symphonized with their joyous laughter.

Near the beach, sea rocks are thirsty to move

from sitting next to the New England attic rooms.


The air is cooling down and the little kids

are now nesting on the rocks, trying to get away

from the cool summer breeze, chilled afternoon winds

and the dancing waves.


My little girl is one of the children, and with dreamy eyes

she is pretending to be waving at the Beluga Whales,

the wave makers of the sea ... from coast to coast.


The beach and the people are getting ready for

today’s close-up and I hear my voice: "Dokhtaram, Bia!"

we have to say goodbye to the sea and the whales.


Her little body fully clothed floats across

the air, arms in the hands of her father

and after two more rotations, is satisfied to close

her wings for the evening ride.


She slips the shelves and shadows of

her new found friends within the

walls of her night's dream before

another summer-morning lights the start of the day

for her to watch the length of her footsteps

on the sands next to the white waters and dancing waves.


( Dokhtaram, Bia: in Persian it means “come my girl” )


Sheema Kalbasi
Copyright © 2004

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